The Elephant Man Cried...
"I am not an animal!
I am a human being!
I... am... a man!"

The Gardeners Of Earth

We are life, such as all life.

We hold the trowel and the rake, though.

We are the Appointed.
The Gardeners Of Earth.

Look at our Earth, grade our results. Are we good gardeners?

Measure our yield, have we added to the garden, or taken away?

Do we take it closer, or further away from the original garden?

What will become of us if the garden fails?

Such a question, as we are as much a part of the of the garden,
as we are the gardeners.

As all the harvest fails, we too will be lost,
as we are a part of the harvest.

We are the same as all the other animals, in this respect.

The one difference?

We are responsible, we put ourselves in charge.

We are failing.

A higher power watches,
And weeps....

(By: Catman Webb)

Thoughts On Proper Gardening

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Click To Read The Poem "Do You"

The Lords Prayer, In Aramaic
The Language Of Jesus'

Of Man And Lion

Journey With The Walking Man

View The Tigerman Saga

(Let Catman Make Your Website, To Help Feed Tigers)